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Candidate Paul Nehlen Releases Outline Of Proposed Federal “Shall Not Censor” Legislation
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 14, 2017 Contact: Noel Fritsch Email: [email protected] Phone: 202.374.7371 Candidate For Congress Paul Nehlen Releases Outline Of Proposed Federal "Shall Not Censor" Legislation Delavan, WI -- Republican U.S. House candidate Paul Nehlen is the first candidate or elected official willing to stand up and propose a legislative solution to the problem of censorship of Americans' lawful speech on social media. "We need a federal law prohibiting censorship
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Candidate Paul Nehlen Releases Outline Of Proposed Federal “Shall Not Censor” Legislation
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 14, 2017 Contact: Noel Fritsch Email: [email protected] Phone: 202.374.7371 Candidate For Congress Paul Nehlen Releases Outline Of Proposed Federal "Shall Not Censor" Legislation Delavan, WI -- Republican U.S. House candidate Paul
Gateway Pundit: Conservative Paul Nehlen Proposes Free Speech Legislation for Social Media Giants
Conservative Paul Nehlen is the first politician to propose federal “shall not censor” legislation for social media giants. Paul Nehlen is challenging Speaker Paul Ryan for his House seat in the GOP primary. Conservatives are
Speaker Ryan, Enemy of Concealed Carry, to Step Down
Speaker Paul Ryan who has killed National Concealed Carry for almost a year now is rumored to step down at the end of 2018. It’s no surprise to gun owners in Wisconsin and across the

This spending deal is not #AmericaFirst. It is #DonorsFirst.
We need your financial support to wage this battle. We haven't taken big money donations, and I commit to you that we will not.
When you start noticing things you really can't stop noticing things.
RT @pnehlen: @markwinterhouse @GwenHuff11 Yeah congress can make laws. Huge surprise. Totally newfangled idea. #ShallNotCensor…
@markwinterhouse @GwenHuff11 Yeah congress can make laws. Huge surprise. Totally newfangled idea. #ShallNotCensor
RT @pnehlen: @GwenHuff11 Tell me more about the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and how businesses can do as they please. Oh, and bake me a cake,…
@GwenHuff11 Tell me more about the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and how businesses can do as they please. Oh, and bake me a cake, bigot.